Safer Spaces,
Safer People

Furniture that helps you fight infection in healthcare spaces.

Furniture that helps you fight infection

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Sustainability Policy

Our Vision

To ensure we produce quality products while supporting our community and protecting our environment, sustaining it for future generations.

Policy Scope

The following document outlines the WorkSpace Design Global Ltd t/a Hygenius Sustainability Policy. We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities, support our community and help our clients and partners to do the same.


  • To integrate sustainability considerations into our business decisions i.e what companies we use and what Sub Contractors we use.
  • To minimise our environmental impact through:
    • Utilisation of FSC® timber
    • Reducing waste, Reusing materials and Recycling whether on location or at our premises.
    • Ensuring that environmental factors are considered in our procurement strategy.
    • Effective management of goods and labour logistics for projects.
  • To give back into the community through local and national charities and other acts as we believe beneficial
  • To make investments into improving how we work to minimise the impact on our environment, support the local community and its economy.
  • To consider the opportunities for renewable energies as a power source.
  • To source local suppliers and local Sub Contractors where appropriate.
  • To educate our employees in a culture of Sustainability


Practical Steps

To achieve our objectives we will actively seek to implement the following opportunities and any others which may arise during our sustainability considerations.

  1. Management of all logistics to ensure maximum efficiency in any transportation requirements whether products or labour.
  2. To maximize the opportunities to use accommodation to reduce emissions through travel, and to support local businesses when doing so.
  3. Effective application of the reduce, reuse recycle principles in all our business considerations
  4. To consider environmental factors when undertaking procurement decisions.
  5. To maintain ISO14001:2015 accreditation.
  6. To actively recruit from the local community when looking to increase our labour team and sub contract any work to local sub contractors to the Project address to cut down on travel/accommodation. To go to meetings by train (where possible) or car share to meetings. If the meeting does not need to be face to face consider TEAMS/ZOOM. If Sales/PM have to drive utilise the time with more than 1 meeting in the area. If Sales/PM have to drive consider Electric Vehicles (where possible).
  7. To undertake consideration of all renewable energy opportunities.
  8. To ensure the most energy efficient lighting is in place at our premises.
  9. To educate our team in the positive steps which can be taken in sustainability both in the workplace and at home.
  10. To actively participate in local charities and to provide funding to a variety of charities.
  11. To ensure our timber requirements are meet through FSC® sources.
  12. To manage our office supplies to focus on reduce, reuse and recycle.
  13. To maintain green spaces for employee well being.


Target for Reduction

Scope 1 & 2
20% reduction by 2030 (near-time, 1.5oC) and 90% by 2050 (Net Zero)

Scope 3
20% reduction by 2030 (near-time, well below 2oC) and 90% by 2050 (Net Zero)

Neutralise the remaining 10% Scope 1-3 of emissions.

Scope 3 include all relevant categories

Reduction Measures

Optimise deliveries e.g. through use of regional storage locations;

Use haulage companies using alternatives fuels to diesel e.g. HVO;

Encourage / incentivise car sharing and/or use of EVs;

Purchase renewable electricity;

Increase the amount of natural light by installing more roof lights and regularly cleaning windows and roof lights;

Increase the use of LED lighting in sites;

Install motion-sensitive lighting, where not already installed; and consider renewable energy generation, for example photovoltaic cells.


Other measure that will not reduce organisational footprint under current scope:

Encourage / incentivize contract manufacturers to use renewables.

Increase recycled content in materials.


Hygenius’ 2023 Organisational Carbon Footprint was calculated to be 414 tCO2e

Of this total the contribution of each scope is as follows:

Scope 1: 20 tCO2e
Scope 2: 71 tCO2e
Limited Scope 3: upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting, and downstream transportation and distribution = 323 tCO2e

It should be noted that only a limited number of Scope 3 categories were considered. It is likely that the most important Scope 3 category will be in relation to materials purchased for infection control furniture (purchased goods and services).


Owner:  This policy is updated by the Accreditation Department and owned by the Directors
Review: This policy is to be reviewed annually or on change, by the Business Directors

Signature: Date: 04.09.24

Position: Director

Review Date: 04.09.25